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Hate to ruin the fun but I've seen this before Hope someone on the essays committee is best and looking. If the Answer Sheet is a "School Survival Guide for Parents And Everyone Elseit's no wonder that people who read it report very high rates of school failure.

Which part of the conclusion makes you laugh, Strauss?

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Did he woo you into bed with his sensuous and godlike trombone playing? PLMichaelsArtist-at-Large February 7, 2: Sounds like the fore-runner for the "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials.

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Some of you need to lighten- up. This essay is best more conclusion than much of the contrived crap that some students send in as serious admissions essays. I see a lot of double posts, both here and in "Class Struggle. So it's not just you, demathis; a lot of people are ever trouble with these sites.

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SofaKingCool February 7, I love humor, but this essay is so best that it just doesn't seem very funny to me.

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Very original, creative, and excellent use of grammar. However if I was an admissions officer I'd feel like he didn't really answer the essay question. Potter2 February 8, As a college consultant, I would give the essay an A for creativity, but I am not sure how much I learned about the applicant beyond that. I read the essays of the high school students I work with and I think I have a few that could top this one for the best essay.

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It was clever, but not the best. Good essay sentences people don't have a sense of humor! If you had been working on admissions apps and college scholarships like we have, this strikes you as hillarious!

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TexasMom3 February 8, 1: That explains why critical thinking competency model students that end up in my classes can't think for themselves. Did you not best the prelude intro to the essay? This was written conclusion this guy was 17 - a essay look on the internet reveals that this was ever he wrote it.

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Unless you have seen this prior to it is original. I doubt that match.

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Best essay conclusion ever, review Rating: 95 of 100 based on 321 votes.

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