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Curriculum vitae peru slideshare - Presentación de curriculum

Escolta Privado y Chofer Resguardo. Personas Públicas y Empresarios de alto nivel. Lima – Perú. Funciones: Jefe de Escoltas, Escolta Personal, Chofer Resguardo.

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Alexander MercadoTeacher on hight school educaction. Insertados 0 No insertados.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

No hay notas en la diapositiva. Curriculum Vitae Victor 1.

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Juanjui — San Martin — Peru Domicilio: Pinnacle Studio Plus 11 Cyberlink Power Director 7 Ulead VideoStudio 10 4. Sony Vegas video 7 VI. Duties included assisting in identifying and collecting skeletal data, helping students adjust to Peruvian culture, and managing interpersonal conflicts.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Meta-analyses of theory use in medication adherence intervention studies. Health care provider targeted interventions to improve medication adherence: International Journal of Clinical Practice. Cultural relevance in medication adherence interventions with underrepresented adults: Preventive Medicine69, The problem with p.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36 3 Cultural relevance of physical activity intervention research with underrepresented populations. The International Quarterly of Community Health Education34 4 Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeologists. Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Created and delivered a presentation in Spanish. Fieldwork and Laboratory Research.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Supervised the Anthropological Radiography Group as they radiographed the skeletal collection from Armatambo from the data collection period. Tasks include choosing burials to investigate, and ensuring quality control over the radiography process.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Peru data from skeletal curriculums from the Incan period site of Armatambo. Tasks include thorough slideshare of skeletons for indicators of sex, vita, and disease processes, in addition to improving existing data collection forms. Archaeological excavation at Buena Vista, Peru.

Explore Searching, Margarita, and more!

University of Missouri, Columbia. Expanded tasks from the previous field season include the education of a new crew of field students, acting as crew chief for a unit, and helping the students acculturate to Peruvian culture. Tasks include the preparation and excavation of units, collecting and organizing artifacts, and the production of plans, profiles, and artifact drawings.

curriculum vitae peru slideshare

Released versions of Anthropomtron for iOS iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The app is continually updated with new features and equations. Released Data Compare-o-Matica Visual Basic macro for Microsoft Excel that allows for the comparison of double-entered data. Slideshare a Javascript version of Anthropomotronperu the vita from scratch for mobile internet and adding notable stature estimation equations not in the previous curriculum.

Curriculum vitae peru slideshare, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 317 votes.

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