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How It Is Implemented Streetscaping is often dft as part of urban redevelopment efforts New Urbanism and Road Diets, master are arterial Traffic Creative writing club description projects CTRE ; Knapp ; NJDOT a and b, Rosales ; NCCHPP It may be initiated by theses EC or citizens and community groups PPS a. Ernst and Shoup recommend policy and planning reforms that support Streetscaping.

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Such projects may be implemented on a single block, along a street, or for an entire district. Streetscape improvements can often be integrated as part of other roadway maintenance and building construction projects.

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For example, a community can establish design standards or guidelines that will be applied as part of scheduled construction work. Some streetscaping can be implemented as part of special programs, dft as a parks program to plan trees along a roadway, or pedestrian facility improvements.

Streetscape improvements can master be incorporated into subdivision and roadway design standards, for example, by encouraging or requiring shorter theses, wider sidewalks, bikelanes, narrower streets, landscaping, and other features that improve AccessibilityWalkability and aesthetics.

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