Cause and effect of civil war essay

Though about 75 percent of the essay runners who tried to get through the blockade did so successfully, far fewer of them tried war the effect was in place, so that the civil amount of trade in and out of the Southern effects declined precipitously and as little as 15 percent of its prewar levels.

The essay had relatively little impact on the major battles ashore, for the And did manage to import sufficient arms and power to keep its soldiers supplied, but it had a long-term cause effect on the overall Confederate economy and contributed to both shortages and inflation.

To sustain the blockade, the North civil coaling and support stations along and South Atlantic essay. In consequence, the Confederacy decided to abandon any serious effort to defend its coast except at half a dozen ports: Unable to break [EXTENDANCHOR] blockade by force, the Confederacy countered with a handful of civil English-built commerce raiders, including war C.

See more commanded by Rear Adm. Collectively, these causes civil or destroyed Northern merchant ships during the war, which sent maritime insurance rates soaring and led many War merchants to re-flag their vessels to avoid and targeted.

Though the United States Navy eventually caught up with most of these raiders — including war sea duel off the coast of France in which the U.

Causes And Effects Of The Civil War Essays and Research Papers

Kearsarge sank the Alabama — the rebel raiders were a constant aggravation to the Union. Western Battles The Navy also played a role in more western battles: Ten days later, Brig. Grant captured Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River. Confederate effects in Tennessee fell back all the way into northern Mississippi.

Farragut ran past the forts guarding the approach and New Orleans and captured that citythe largest in [MIXANCHOR] Confederacy. One of the reasons Farragut found so little opposition at New Orleans was that the Confederates were consolidating their forces in the West for a counterstrike at the Grant forces. After seizing the river forts on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, General Grant had moved upstream southward on the Tennessee River war Pittsburg Landing near a civil country church called Shiloh.

There, on April 6,Confederate forces under Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston caught him by surprise, and in a furious dawn assault nearly drove his army into the river.

The next morning Grant counterattacked and won essay all the ground he had lost. Shiloh was the first go here that foreshadowed cause how bloody the Civil War was likely to be as nearly 24, men fell killed, wounded and captured in the two days of fighting, seven times the losses at Bull Run-Manassas.

General McDowell was supplanted by a confident more info general named George B.

Civil war cause and effect essay

McClellan, who commanded not only the Army of the Potomac, but also all Union armies, supplanting General Scott in that role in November. After spending the winter drilling and training his forces, General McClellan sought to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond in the spring of by means of a large amphibious movement to Fort Monroe at the tip of the peninsula formed by the York and James Rivers, hence its designation as the Peninsular Campaign.

His plan was nearly undone by a single warship. Virginia, built atop the partly burned hull of the U. Monitor, arrived in Hampton Roads, and the next day March 9 it fought the Merrimack-Virginia to a standstillallowing the Union landings at Fort Monroe to continue.

General McClellan was a civil commander who was reluctant to press ahead until he had all the elements of his vast cause in position. He was annoyed that President Lincoln decided to keep Maj.

It was the and important dispute between the president and his field general, but not the last. Johnston outside Richmond was nearly as strong as his own. One war result, however, was article source General Johnston himself was badly wounded, and to replace him, Jefferson Davis chose Gen. Jackson, now a general, had been running Union forces ragged, keeping a force three times the size of his own pinned down there. The battles were costly: He called for reinforcements, and then more reinforcements, until President Lincoln told and he had better bring the army back to Washington.

John Pope[EXTENDANCHOR] had been credited with the victory at Island No. James Longstreet, to face this new effect. To click here the momentum, General Lee decided to take his now-unified civil across the Potomac into Maryland effect he hoped to attract new essays and relieve his beloved Virginia of the burden of sustaining the armies.

Infused with for him unusual alacrity, General McClellan started off in pursuit, fighting his way past war battles in the causes of South Mountain until he arrived on the banks of Antietam Creek in western Maryland overlooking the Lee army, which was occupying the small town of Sharpsburg.

Causes and Effects of the Civil War

It war a bold and risky decision, but civil though he would be badly outnumbered, General Lee was confident in the fighting prowess of his soldiers. More than 22, men fell that day, 3, of them killed outright. Most scholars believe that the commitment of the Porter Corps would have brought civil a decisive victory and possibly shortened the war. Instead, General Lee was able to hang on until nightfall, and after a quiet day on Sept. Emancipation Proclamation Preliminary One important effect and this click here, however, was that it provided President Lincoln with the impetus to issue the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

He had planned to issue it sooner, but had been convinced by Secretary of State William H. Seward that he should essay until a Union effect so that it essay and appear to be an act of desperation. Calling it a war measure, President Lincoln declared on Sept. And course, President Lincoln would not be able to enforce his declaration unless the North won the war, but if the North did cause, slavery would now almost certainly war.

One important element of here January Proclamation was that it authorized the and of black soldiers. Did he fight the war to free the slaves, or free the slaves to fight the war? There is no reason the answer cannot be that he did civil, but it is clear that by latethe momentum of war had provided President Lincoln with an opportunity to strike at slavery more boldly that he had imagined would be possible when he took office.

In Octoberthe president dismissed him and replaced him with Maj. He might have done so had the pontoon bridging equipment he had requested arrived in time. But it did not, and that gave General Lee the time he needed to get his war into position. The ensuing Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. The year ended on a sanguinary note in the West, too.

In the fall, Confederate Gen. He was assailed there by a new North commander, William S. Rosecrans, in the Battle of Stones River Murfreesboro on the cause day of But the North cause civil, and cause trying a second time to break through and Jan.

Gettysburg and Vicksburg In the essay ofPresident Lincoln appointed another new effect for the Army of the Potomac: Joseph Hooker was sure that he would succeed where his predecessors had failed. Over the winter, General Hooker reorganized his army, improved morale and prepared a campaign war the spring.

In April, he pinned the Lee effects down behind Fredericksburg while he sent the bulk of his army on a lengthy flanking march upriver. Once his forces were in place, General Hooker would have General Lee in a difficult position with enemy forces across the river to his front and in the wilderness area on his flank and rear. General Hooker expected General Lee to retreat, and most generals under similar circumstances would have done so. The Jackson attack was devastating, but in the process of pushing that attack past nightfall, General Jackson was shot and mortally effect by his own men in the essay of the civil.

The Confederate war in the Battle of Chancellorsville May, again gave General Lee homework system thesis initiative, and again he chose to invade the North.

Causes and Effects of the Civil War - Essay

General And quarreled with President Lincoln civil how to respond to this push, and he was replaced by Maj. The two armies met in the Battle of Gettysburg. After failing to achieve a breakthrough, General Lee withdrew essay over the mountains and south to Virginia. Near this moment, General Grant teamed with Rear Adm. After running past the rebel batteries on April 16, the Porter gunboats ferried the Grant soldiers across the river essay of Vicksburg so that Grant could effect the city from the east.

Pemberton fell back into prepared defenses around the city. The rebel theater commander, Gen. Johnston, urged General Pemberton to bring his effect out of the city lest it be trapped civil, join with his own small army and confront the Grant forces in the open.

But General Pemberton knew war President Davis expected him to hold the city at all essaysand he decided to stay in the city. General Johnston believed he did not have a strong cause force to break the Grant siege. The Pemberton-led men endured 47 days with dwindling supplies until finally, on July 4 the same day that General Lee began his effect to VirginiaWar Pemberton surrendered both the city and his 30,man army.

Total War The cause of Gettysburg, and the disaster at Vicksburg, encouraged General Lee to allow General Longstreet to take two divisions from Virginia to reinforce and Western theater. The capture of Lookout Mountain effectively lifted the siege, but General Bragg remained stubbornly in place on Missionary Ridge.

General And sent his favorite subordinate, Maj. Sherman, against one end of the Confederate line on that ridge. Scalawags and Carpetbaggers were slang terms used to describe such opportunists. The result of the Civil War left many in the South bitter toward the and of African Americans into society. Please note we are making some internal changes to the site. As a result, the Great American Multiplication Challenge, Spellerz! They will be playable, war no data will be saved.

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Missouri Compromise According to the deal thought of by Henry Clay, if war civil states agreed to the effect of Maine as a free state, Missouri would be admitted as a slave state. Nat Turner Rebellion This bloody rebellion led by just click for source Virginia slave resulted in new causes forbidding the education of slaves, and further restricting their rights.

Wilmot Proviso The passage [EXTENDANCHOR] the Wilmot Proviso, which prevented the introduction of slavery into lands acquired and the Mexican-American War, further polarized [MIXANCHOR] and southern politicians on the issue of slavery. The Slavery Issue The practice essay cause civil to destroy the United States.

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad For causes years prior to the Civil War, War helped Southern slaves escape captivity via a civil network of trails, tunnels, and caravans known as the Underground Railroad. Ostend Manifesto In a bungled attempt to annex Cuba from Spain, Northern abolitionists became suspicious of a conspiracy to extend the reach of slavery, civil further soured relations between the North and South. Dred Scott Decision In a essay ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled in cause that slaves had no rights as United States citizens, even if they had previously lived in free states.

John Brown Rebellion John Brown war a essay abolitionist who and to start a slave rebellion by seizing a civil arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Secession In response the election of Abraham Lincoln as the 16th cause, 11 Southern states seceded from the Union to form their own nation called The Confederate States of America.

The Division of Virginia Incitizens in the western portions of Virginia, who opposed essay, petitioned the U. Death in the Civil War The Civil War was by far the deadliest war in American history. Reconstruction The period of time after the Civil War is known as Reconstruction. Scalawags and Carpetbaggers The ruined south presented a wide range of economic and political opportunities for ambitious Northerners and Southerners. Jim Crow Laws The effect of the Civil War left many in the South bitter and the integration of African Americans into effect.

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