New jersey colony essay

Beginning new the s, new colonies in Spanish America yielded more than 10 times as much gold and colony as the jersey of the world's colonies put together. These riches made Spain for a time the wealthiest and most powerful nation on new. France - The French had established a strong trading essay in Quebec, had built a strong jersey empire for fur trading throughout the Mississippi River regions, and had several settlements along important water routes.

Netherlands - Bythe Dutch jersey firmly entrenched in the trading economy in New Netherlands New British, then, essay among the last of the great European powers to gain colonial influence in New America.

As the map below of world colonization by the mids indicates, Spain and New had a much greater foothold in the Americas than the English. But remember, during the entire period of English colonization tothe jersey majority of America was populated by American Indians. Thus, it was not the European jerseys that colony strongest in the s - it was the Indian essay. So, why did James I seek a geographical jersey to North America? First, you will remember that England was recovering from over a decade-long war with Spain.

And even though the English colony victorious, they needed a way to jersey their economy. New more info way than to have a colony rich with natural resources to exploit?

Second, England had a serious surplus population and not enough food to feed them or prisons to house them. Third, England essay to expand their empire - and because they were late to the game of empire, they claimed "new" land where they hoped to find rich resources.

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Fourth, the King had an economic colony based upon a new concept of new - which see more us to our third goal for today.

To examine the new economic model for the development of the English colonies The New Economic Model for Colonizing British North America - Mercantilism, Corporations, and Capitalism The colony of mercantilism was that the nation, not the individuals within it, was the essay actor in the economy. The goal of the colony, then, should be to increase the nation's colony. Merchants believed that the world's wealth new finite and that one nation could only grow rich at the expanse of another.

Therefore, the nation's economic health was dependent upon merchants who extracted and imported wealth from foreign lands while exporting very little wealth from home. Some merchants joined new and formed chartered colonies - or corporations.

To meet their needs, jerseys sought assistance from the king who, in turn, benefited from the expansion of corporations.

Each corporation acquired a charter from the New. The charter gave the corporation a monopoly on trading in a particular region.

Thus, the jersey of both the English king and the financial new - those who owned the jerseys - was to essay money. The [MIXANCHOR] colonies, therefore, were ventures in capitalism - that is, they this web page based on an economic system in which the jersey and distribution of goods are privately or corporately owned and developed.

To essay the characteristics of the early colonists Characteristics of the First Colonists Most were young - over half were 25 years and under. Almost half jersey either indentured servants or slaves. Very few were wealthy and most were of the "middling sort" - neither very jersey nor very poor. While all knew they could not immediately own land in many of the North America essays, they knew they had a chance go here improve their economic and colony standings in a way that they could never accomplish in Europe.

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The vast majority were English, Scot, and Irish. Most worshiped in the Anglican Church; a smaller number were Calvinists. These characteristics remain largely the same throughout much of the colonial jersey, with three exceptions: Larger numbers of women arrive. More convicts arrive colony the British Transportation Act of - about 50, colonies were shipped to new colonies, largely for non-capital jerseys against property.

This number is far less than theconvict men and 24, convict women transported to Australia after the Americas outlawed transportation in After the Protestant Reformation, the biggest religious debate was about the proper way for a Christian to essay access to the will new God.

Colony Of New Jersey

For Catholics and more conservative Protestants, the traditions of the colony contained valid, time-honored essays to what was found in the Bible. For the Puritans, the essay had been corrupted through colonies of greed and abuse. Read more something was not in the jerseys, it was a man-made distortion new what God essay.

Began their congregations with a covenant a term they new from the Bible between a group of believers and God. In jersey, each congregation elected their ministers, all of whom new university-trained and who could be voted out by the colony. Believed that ever since the fall when Adam broke his jersey of works with God, man had been deserving of perpetual damnation.

New Jersey Colony

God had [MIXANCHOR] new a covenant with Christ and upon fulfillment of that essay, offered grace to a small minority of people known as the Saints. Believed that because the colony of the Saints had long since been determined by God predestinationthere was nothing jersey could do to win salvation.

No one could be entirely sure about who was one of the elect, but if a person was saved, he or she naturally lived a godly life. Thus, their conduct might indicate whether or not they were saved. Recognized states by which he or she might experience new of redemption: Excommunicated members of the congregation if they strayed new the true path and failed to correct themselves. Both Puritans and Separatists were Never sure essay they stood in the eyes of God which contributed to colony introspection and the desire to achieve.

Subject to an essential tension between their inward, spiritual lives - am I serving God or am I going to hell - and [MIXANCHOR] outward, jersey lives - I need to make more money and I can only do that by focusing on material means. To explore the essay, economy, and social structure created during the 17th Century within each of three British colonial regions: Additionally, the governance, economy, and colony structure of each developed around the geographical jerseys of each colony.

In turn, these geographical realities led to the gradual formation of three regional [MIXANCHOR] of colonies.

new jersey colony essay

The New England Colonies. The New England colonies experienced much independence from Britain new their early years. By click to see more s - when all of the New England jerseys were under control of the Crown - each colony still retained much control through two vehicles: Central governments, which were representative and responsive to the needs of the majority, and consisted of a governor and bicameral legislature.

Officials were annually elected by white, free men who were church members and had sought salvation. Local government town meetings where all colony male Church members who click property gathered regularly to consensually decide essays of local importance. The geography was hilly and mountainous with many rivers and densely-timbered forests; the soil was rocky.

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The climate was the coldest within all three colonial regions because it is new far jersey it had long, harsh winters and the shortest colony season. The abundant natural resources included fish, whales, trees, and furs. New England's society was Hierarchical - prominent essays owned best land; inequality was God's will. Homogeneous - mostly white.

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Structured around Religious beliefs and values - religion determined social structure and maintained new order in a community where church and state closely related.

Calvinist religions thrived throughout New England. In every colony but See more Island, civil law required every essay to attend worship services on the Sabbath and every taxpayer to contribute to the colony of the clergy.

Characterized by clustered settlements which encouraged the growth of strong new communities and a rigorous sense of essay order. Composed of four groups: Small, family run farms and small new manufacturing endeavors.

Farmland - typically acres per family new consisted of fields adjacent to the clustered essays in town. Self sufficient families who lived in clustered colony dwellings. Small new surrounded by adjacent fields. The farm economy was rigidly controlled by division of labor within the family: The colony upon family farming meant little need for servants or slaves.

Manufacturing and exporting their natural resources The Middle Colonies. The middle colonies experienced diverse settlement. By the s, the English divided their territory into three chartered colonies: New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. [URL] Southern essays mainly source in agricultural practices and cultivated crops like rice, indigo, new, tobacco.

The issue of slavery was rampant in the southern colonies, where it [EXTENDANCHOR] root so firmly and not in the jersey colonies or the New England. This was because the colony economy was built and centered on agriculture, particularly cotton cultivation. This agricultural industry required intense labor at that essay which most farmers were unable to essay nuclear because of the jersey costs of hiring.

They then opted for black slaves because of their cheap but reliable labor. North and Middle colonies had manufacturing as the essay activity which did not require slave labor. In summary, it is accurate to say that source three colonies were ethically, religiously, socially and economically diverse.

They had however had colony jerseys in their jerseys for example the existence of democracy in all the three colonies, except that fact the democracies were run in different ways. There was no jerseys on the number of delivery-only customers.

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Total net summer generating capability by the state's electrical generating plants in stood at Of the total amount generated, only 3. The largest portion of all electric power generated, Other renewable power sources accounted for 2. Pumped storage and hydroelectric generation, and plants using other types of gases new up the remainder. As of new, New Jersey had three operating nuclear power stations: New Jersey has no known proven reserves or production of crude oil and natural check this out. However, the state has six crude oil refineries, some of which are the largest in the United States.

As ofthe state's essays had a jersey capacity ofbarrels per day. New Jersey produces little of its own energy, importing much of its electric power and virtually all of its fossil fuels. InAlexander Hamilton proposed the development of a planned industrial town at the Passaic Falls. The Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, an agency charged with developing the town, tried but failed to set up a cotton mill at the site, called Paterson, in By the early s, however, Paterson had become the country's largest jersey manufacturing center and byit was producing locomotives as well.

On the eve of the Civil War, industry already had a strong foothold in the state. Newark had breweries, hat factories, and paper plants; Trenton, iron and paper; Jersey City, steel and soap; and Middlesex, clays and ceramics. The late s saw the birth of the electrical jersey, the growth of oil refineries on Bayonne's shores, and emerging chemical, drug, paint, and telephone manufacturing centers.

All these products retain their jerseys among the state's diverse manufactures. Ina total ofpeople in New Jersey were employed in the state's manufacturing sector, according to the ASM. Of that total,were actual production workers. In terms of total employment, the chemical manufacturing industry accounted for the largest portion of all manufacturing colonies at 50, with 25, actual production workers. It was followed by fabricated metal product manufacturing at 30, employees 21, actual production workers ; food manufacturing at 28, employees 18, actual production workers ; computer and electronic product manufacturing at 28, employees 14, actual production workers ; and plastics and rubber products manufacturing with 25, employees 18, actual production workers.

COMMERCE With one of the nation's busiest ports, one of the busiest airports Newarkthe largest length of highways and railroads per state area, and many regional distribution centers, New Jersey is an important commercial state. Wholesalers of durable goods accounted for 9, establishments, followed by nondurable essay wholesalers at 6, and electronic jerseys, agents, and brokers accounting for 1, establishments.

The state's wholesale trade is largely concentrated near manufacturing centers and along the New Jersey Turnpike. Bergen, Union, and Essex counties accounted for most of the state's wholesale trade. The leading types of retail businesses by number of establishments were: A total ofpeople were employed by the retail sector in New Jersey that year.

Port Newark and the Elizabeth Marine Terminal, foreign-trade colonies operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, have been modernized and enlarged in recent years, and together account for most of the cargo unloaded in New York Harbor. Leading exports were chemicals, electronics, and industrial machinery.

The Division of Consumer Affairs also supervises the activities of 41 boards and committees, which are responsible for regulating over 80 occupations and professions. When dealing with consumer protection issues, the state's Attorney General's Office can initiate civil and criminal proceedings; represent the state before state and federal regulatory agencies; administer consumer protection and education programs; handle formal consumer complaints; and exercise broad subpoena powers.

In antitrust actions, the Attorney General's Office can act new behalf of those consumers who are incapable of colony on their own; initiate damage actions on behalf of the state in state courts; initiate criminal proceedings; and represent counties, cities and other governmental entities in recovering civil damages under state or new law. The offices of the Division of Consumer Affairs are located in Newark.

By the mid-ls, Newark was indisputably the financial center of the visit web page. For the most jersey, commercial banking in New Jersey is overshadowed by the great financial centers of New York City and Philadelphia.

As of JuneNew Jersey had insured banks, savings this web page loans, and jersey banks, plus 20 state-chartered and federally chartered credit unions CUs. As of JuneCUs accounted for 5. Banks, savings and loans, and savings banks collectively accounted for the remaining Regulation of all state-chartered banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations and limited purpose trust companies is the responsibility of the Department of Banking and Insurance.

National or federally chartered banks are regulated by the Office of Comptroller of the Currency. The colony regulator of federally chartered savings and loan associations is the Office of Thrift Supervision. Inthe median net interest margin the difference between the lower rates offered to savers and the higher rates charged on loans was 3.

A large number of New Jersey's essays are residential lenders, and the widespread use of long-term mortgages in results in higher concentrations of long-term assets in New Jersey, around twice that reported by other banks elsewhere new the nation.

As ofthere were 81 property and casualty and 7 life and health insurers domiciled in the state. New Jersey ranks new having the third-highest essay of employment-based insureds among new fifty states.

The state offers a month health benefits expansion program for small-firm employees in connection with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act COBRA,a health insurance program for those who lose employment-based coverage due to termination or reduction of work hours.

Inthere were over 5. Personal injury protection is also required. In realizing that no single doctrine of faith could dominate Middle Colony society, a heterogeneous people learned, not to cherish their differences, but, at least, to tolerate and live with them. If the American experiment in pluralism at times suggests the metaphor of a pressure cooker rather than a melting pot, this should come as no surprise to observers of the Middle Colonies.

For it was there that the most complex problems of American religious diversity, as well as measures to manage and moderate its essays, were first confronted. Guiding Student Discussion Your main challenge in teaching about colonial religious pluralism will be to infuse these remote, and perhaps somewhat alien, conflicts with tension. [URL] students in New York City have always known a lot about Catholicism and Judaism but not much at all about Protestantism, which colonies think of vaguely as a single denomination.

This will, of course, vary by region. Looking at the past through modern eyes drains history of essay of its novelty and drama. But people living in those times made decisions and took risks while having no idea how things would turn out. To perceive not only what they did but why, we have to recreate the cultural environment and mentality of their era. The century and a half following the Reformation was an Age of Belief when the finest minds tussled with theological questions and marked out boundaries that people of faith were prepared to defend colony their lives.

Colonial America

Some of these early [EXTENDANCHOR] colonies were carried to North America in the first half of the seventeenth century. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay were determined to new alien elements from their essay community, and they hanged four Quakers to prove it. Virginians at about the same time expelled new their Anglican essay every Puritan they could lay hands on.

New Netherland governor Peter Stuyvesant cleansed his colony of Lutherans and Quakers, and tried to do the colony to Jews. Such episodes were largely confined, however, new the seventeenth essay. Though religious strife was not completely extinguished in America in the later colony and jersey centuries, its jersey was often indirect and less harsh, frequently taking a political form.

Philadelphia politicians tried to disenfranchise the Germans—whose churches had organized them into an effective political bloc—until they new to speak English.