Where can i buy vicodin without a perscription

Go to Doctor once every 2 weeks, pick up once a week. Doctors only allowed so many, methadone patients. So there's always someone waiting to get on. This is a really scary thing to do, after 20 years. Can anyone who is on this give me some facts and a good place to start my just in case situation backup file? I'd appreciate any input.

Better safe and knowledgable than sorry and ignorant is my new motto! Read More I Think almost all of us have doc shopped or else how could we get more then whats perscribed. I worked for a man at a hair salon who was ordering rx diet meds without an rx, from an online pharmacy.

He used the salon address for the delivery, and received a letter from the US Customs, saying they had seized his shipment, and if he tried it again, they would prosecute.

Needless to say, i found another job, because they actually could have entered the salon and arrested all of us, regardless of whether we knew he had done this. Meds that can be abused are really going to send out red flags, but no med is to be purchased online without a valid rx. It is tempting, but could lead to lots of trouble.

There are many other options, low cost clinics, who will write a legal rx or fax one to the online pharmacy. Many large Churches now have low cost medical units, with real volunteer drs and nurses. Or they may have a member of the congregation who sees patients who don't have insurance or have little income. Please note that you may not be able to import Tylenol 1 8mg codeine in some US states without a prescription. Outside of Havana, it is difficult to obtain ANY pain medications, let alone narcotic painkillers.

Prescription painkillers are mostly Tramadol up to mg or non-narcotic injections. Sometimes, a Cuban prescription medication containing 25mg Codeine and g Acetaminophen is available at international clinics. If drugs are not stored properly they will, at a minimum, lose their effectiveness. Worse, they can become dangerous. Further Potential Problems with Online Pharmacies - Protecting Yourself Against Additional Threats Because many of these online pharmacies are simply illegal operations, you run the risk of sharing your credit card numbers and codes with someone who will hijack them for something else.

A stolen credit card can lead to identity theft. Use of your personal information can also lead to medical identity theft - a perhaps even more dangerous outcome. Since there may be no pharmacist involved in the transaction, and since you probably purchase prescription drugs or other medicines from other places, there will be no opportunity to review for drug conflicts.

Even if the drug you received is the right drug, in the right dose, you will have no way of telling if it will conflict with something else you already take. Their supplements are packed with natural and completely legal ingredients designed to maximize muscle growth and increase workout gains. It works best when stacked with DecaDuro, Anadrole, TBal75, and Testosterone Max—all of which are other CrazyBulk products that can work together in unison to maximize one another for best possible results.

But is D-bal worth the cost, or is it going to leave you disappointed? What did you do to fill that hole? Embarrassed as I am to admit it now, I called up my doctor and told her that my back was still hurting. I basically lied to her — this person who had been our trusted family physician for years — in order to get her to refill my Vicodin prescription. She trusted me, of course. So, for the next few months, I had all the Vicodin I needed.

Did she stop giving you prescriptions eventually? After about four months, I called her to get my usual refill request refilled. I could tell that something was different in her tone of voice. She told me she would need me to come down for an evaluation before she would give me any more Vicodin. I was so ashamed about what I had done that I scheduled the appointment and then never showed up.

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